Eufemija Jović

Lived: 1779 – 1861

Field to which she contributed: Endowment

Area on the route primarily associated with her: Erdevik, Bečej

Address of the attraction: Trg oslobođenja 2, Bečej

Contributions to culture and science:

Eufemija Jović was a people’s benefactor, especially of Serbian Orthodox children. She also contributed to the development of Bečej.

Short biography:

She was born in 1779 in Bečej. Her father was the captain of the Crown District of Potisje. In 1801, she married Baron Stevan Jović of Siegenburg. Since she had no children, she left all her land and castle to the Serbian church community in Stari Bečej. The church community established an endowment for the education of poor Serbian children of the Orthodox faith. She also left more than 540 acres to the Serbian people for educational and various humanitarian purposes. In addition to this great educational endowment, the baroness built two churches-chapels. The chapel in the center of Bečej was constructed in April 1861, the same year when the baroness died. In the crypt of the chapel rest her remains and the remains of her husband.

Interesting facts (Storytelling):

The baroness built the second church-chapel on her farm in today’s municipality of Mileševo. Every year on Assumption Day, one poor couple who got married in this chapel would receive furniture as a gift for marital happiness. This was her last dying wish. The chapel was demolished in 1952.

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