Draga Spasić

Lived: 1876 – 1938

Field to which she contributed: acting and opera

Area on the route primarily associated with her: Novi Sad

Address of the attraction: Pozorišni trg 1, 21000, Novi Sad

Contributions to culture and science:

Draga Spasić was a Serbian theater actress and opera singer, one of the most beloved personalities in the history of Serbian musical theater.

Short biography:

Draga Spasić was born in Valjevo, where she finished elementary school and four years of high school. Then she went on to finish Teacher School in Belgrade. After working as a teacher, she debuted at the National Theater in Belgrade in 1896. She soon moved to the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad.
She finished solo singing in Vienna. Upon her return to Novi Sad, she gained fame as one of the best and most beloved actresses and opera singers in Vojvodina. She worked for the Serbian National Theater until 1908, after which she went to Belgrade again to the National Theater. During the mentioned period, she often visited the Serbian National Theater remaining faithful to the theaters. Draga Spasić died in Belgrade at 62 after a long illness.

Interesting facts (Storytelling):

During the First World War, she volunteered as a nurse at the District Hospital in Niš, where she occasionally organized concerts for the wounded.

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