Lived: 1930-1989

Field(s) to which she contributed: Culture, Literature

Area on the route: Kalocsa

  Address of Tourist Attraction: Kalocsa, Nagymező Street 11

Contributions to culture and science

 Number of performances registered in the Theatre Database: 15; nine recordings of performances are also available.

Her name first appeared in two productions of the Literary Stage (In a Clear Word – 1 July 1963; I am Responsible for Everything – 10 April 1967).

She made her debut as a playwright at the Katona József Theatre in Kecskemét. The title of the drama, which caused a great response, was All by Myself. The play, directed by György Pethes, premiered on 8 December 1967. Some of the outstanding actors from the play: Kamilla Dévai, Tibor Szilágyi, Tibor Forgács, Tibor Fekete, Mária Mojzes, Gyula Piróth, Tünde Szabó, Pál Major.

 Short biography

 Raffai Sarolta (Kecel, 23 May 1930 – Kalocsa, 20 September 1989) Hungarian writer, poet, teacher, Member of Parliament. She received a teaching diploma in Kalocsa in 1950. She was a member of the poetry group called Hetek (Weeks/Sevens). Her works were published from 1966. Until 1968 she taught in Páhiba, Kecel, Császártöltés and Uszód. Between 1968 and 1972 she worked as a librarian, also in Kalocsa. Between 1971 and 1985 she was a Member of Parliament (Bács-Kiskun County). Between 1975 and 1980 she was vice-president of the National Assembly. Between 1979-1981 she was director of the Petőfi Literary Museum. She retired in 1983. Her works were fuelled by a need for realistic social portrayal and publicistic fervour. She mainly depicted women’s fates.

Interesting facts


  • Részeg virágzás (Drunken Bloom) (Poems, 1966)
  • Egyszál magam (All by Myself) (Novel, 1967, Drama, 1968)
  • Diplomások (Graduates) (Drama, 1969)
  • Rugósoron (On the Spring) (Short stories, 1971)
  • Utolsó tét (Last Bet) (Drama, 1972)
  • Morzsahegyek (Crumb Mountains) (Novel, 1974)
  • Egyszeri kaland (One-off Adventure) (Short story, 1975)
  • Ne félts, ne félj (Don’t Worry About Me, Don’t Be Afraid) (Poems, 1975)
  • Vasderes (Ironfrost) (Drama Collection, 1977)
  • Jöhetsz holnap is (You Can Come Tomorrow Again) (Novel, 1978)
  • Legyen krizantém (Let It Be Chrysanth) (Short stories, 1979)
  • Menekülők (Refugees) (Novel, 1981)
  • Föld, ember, folyó (Man, Earth, River) (Novel, 1983)
  • Didergő ének (Freezing Song) (Poems, 1985)
  • Megtartó szerelem (Conserving Love) (Novel, 1987)
  • Asszonyok a Virág utca négyben (Women in Flower Street 4) (Novel, 1988)


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