Lived: 1924-2009

Field(s) to which she contributed: Culture, Education

Area on the route: Makó

   Address of Tourist Attraction:  Makó, Posta Street 6

Contributions to culture and science

 From 1946 she was a studying Hungarian and German at the University of Szeged, where she was taught by Sándor Sík, Előd Halász, Pál Bognár Cecil, János Mester, Antal Klemm, István Hermann Egyed. Between 1951 and 1984 she was a teacher of History and Hungarian at the József Attila High School in Makó. In 1956, during the Hungarian revolution against the Stalinist government she gained great respect for display of her opinions. She retired in 1984. She taught students in Makó for a lifetime, and was highly respected by her fellow teachers and the local community.

 Short biography

 Gizella Stenger (Makó, 14 September 1924 – Makó, 7 August 2009) Hungarian teacher.

Her parents were István Stenger (1891–1942) mason and Lídia Égető (1892–1971). After graduating from school of commerce, she went to university. From 1946 she was a student of Hungarian and German at the University of Szeged. Between 1951 and 1984 she was a teacher of history and Hungarian at the Attila József High School in Makó. She retired in 1984.

She lived at 28 Hédervári Street, Makó, next to the cemetery. Her grave is located in the Reformed cemetery in Makó, in the city centre. Her estate is cared for by the Csanád Vezér Foundation.

 Interesting facts


  • Medal of Socialist Culture (1977)
  • Prize for Education of the City of Makó (2005)

In 2010, the Gizella Stenger Foundation Award was established at the Ferenc Erdei School to reward successful students. On 17 June 2014, a memorial plaque was unveiled in her honour at the Návay Lajos Trade Vocational School and Dormitory in Makó.

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