Lived: 1940-1995

Field(s) to which she contributed: Culture, Arts,

Area on the route: Szeged

   Address of Tourist Attraction:  Szeged, Klauzál Square

Contributions to culture and science

 Ilona Vadász, cellist, assistant professor, teacher at the Conservatory of Music, former soloist of the Szeged Symphony Orchestra for 13 years, lived in the building on Klauzál Square from 1982 until her death, where the memorial plaque was unveiled.

It was thanks to her that the Szeged double bass teaching became nationally renowned from the 1970s onwards. All the current double bass players of the Szeged Symphony Orchestra studied with Ilona Vadász or her students.

Short biography

 She was born in Szeged in 1940 and died in 1995, also in Szeged. After completing her studies, she became a teacher at the Conservatory of Music, and later became an adjunct professor at the college. She taught music to young people for a lifetime, both within the university and often in her Klauzál Square apartment. She laid the foundations of today’s double bass education.

Interesting facts 

Although she has never aspired to be known to everyone, the students she has taught are the thin layer of the musicians who currently consist the great representatives of classical music.

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