Sofija Perić Nešić

Lived: 1906 – 1986

Field to which she contributed: Acting

Area on the route primarily associated with her: Tomaševac

Address of the attraction: 23262 Tomaševac

Contributions to culture and science:

Sofija Perić Nešić was one of the most important Serbian theater, film and television actresses. She was awarded the Order of Labor with a silver wreath in 1961.

Short biography:

She was born in Tomaševac in 1906. Although she expressed a desire to pursue acting in her youth, her parents enrolled her in the Trade Academy. However, after graduating from the Academy, she enrolled in Belgrade’s Acting and Ballet School. Sofija was a member of the Academic Theater from 1925 to 1930 and later spent one season at the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad. From 1931 to 1946, she worked at the National Theater in Belgrade. She returned to the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad, where she remained until retirement in 1959. This great actress, who excelled at both character and comic roles, died in 1986 in Belgrade.

Interesting facts (Storytelling):

In addition to acting, Sofia was also involved in athletics. She won six of seven disciplines at the Open Championship of Vojvodina, held in July 1925. In 1946, Milan Konjović painted her portrait (oil on canvas).

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